61.3 Nextcloud Snap Installation Information


Some informational commands for the snap-installed package are available to obtain different information about the package.

The changes command will list all of the changes for the snap:

snap changes nextcloud

The info command includes a description, available commands, and version and snap channel information:

snap info nextcloud
name:      nextcloud
summary:   Nextcloud Server - A safe home for all your data
publisher: Nextcloud✓
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/nextcloud
contact:   https://github.com/nextcloud/nextcloud-snap
license:   unset
description: |
  Access, share and protect your files, calendars, contacts, communication and
  more at home and in your enterprise.
  - nextcloud.disable-https
  - nextcloud.enable-https
  - nextcloud.export
  - nextcloud.import
  - nextcloud.manual-install
  - nextcloud.mysql-client
  - nextcloud.mysqldump
  - nextcloud.occ
  nextcloud.apache:          simple, enabled, inactive
  nextcloud.logrotate:       simple, enabled, inactive
  nextcloud.mdns-publisher:  simple, enabled, active
  nextcloud.mysql:           simple, enabled, active
  nextcloud.nextcloud-cron:  simple, enabled, active
  nextcloud.nextcloud-fixer: simple, enabled, active
  nextcloud.php-fpm:         simple, enabled, active
  nextcloud.redis-server:    simple, enabled, active
  nextcloud.renew-certs:     simple, enabled, active

The connections command confirms that network connection capabilities are available for the snap:

snap connections nextcloud
Interface        Plug                       Slot           Notes
network          nextcloud:network          :network       -
network-bind     nextcloud:network-bind     :network-bind  -
network-observe  nextcloud:network-observe  -              -
removable-media  nextcloud:removable-media  -              -

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