41.18 Hyperv Windows 10 Hyper-V
Microsoft’s Windows 10 Hyper-V virtual machine (since the Fall Creators Update of Windows 10) comes with a Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS image available for installation. This is a productive way for Microsoft Windows 10 users to utilise the power of GNU/Linux within their Windows environment.
First enable Hyper-V (under Turn Windows Features On). Start up the Hyper-V Manager desktop app by pressing the Windows key, typing Hyper-V, and select Open. Under the Action menu choose Quick Create. There you will see Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS as an option. Select it and click Create Virtual Machine. The virtual machine is now created.
Next, click on the Edit settings button and increase the default disk size from 11GB to 100GB: Under the SCSI Controller heading select Hard Drive, then Edit and Next, then Expand and enter the size you want. Then click Next, review the actions, then Finish and OK.
Connect to the new VM with the Connect button. If the virtual machine ‘Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS’ is turned off click the Start button and the usual Ubuntu installation process will begin.
Choose English; keyboard English (US); time zone; personal information. When installation completes, reboot.
For a fresh install bring the server up to date. Open up a terminal (tap the Windows key and type terminal and then tap the Enter key) and do the following:
To share a folder between Windows and Ubuntu see https://linuxhint.com/shared_folders_hypver-v_ubuntu_guest/.
The disk is meant to be dynamic up to 500GB. Using gnome-disk I see
11GB for /dev/sda and 500GB unused. In Ubuntu format the free space
for Linux and then see Section @ref(sec:disks_home_root) for details
on moving /home
from root to this much larger partition.
Spec | Details |
Machine: | Microsoft Virtual Machine Hyper-V |
CPU: | 4 x Intel Zeon E5-1620 3.50GHz |
BogoMIPS: | 6984 |
Memory: | dynamic |
Network: | () |
Disk: | MSFT Virtual Disk dynamic up to 500GiB |
Video: | (hyperv_fb) |
Boot: | Grub2 |
Kernel: | 4.15.0-46-generic |
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