74 Remote Desktops


Some useful packages for remote desktop access include remmina to connect to Windows with a desktop using RDP, x2goclient to connect to GNU/Linux with a desktop using X11, as well as grdesktop and xvncviewer.

Access to remote desktops is also helpful when assisting others remotely with their GNU/Linux system.

Virtual Network Computing (VNC) is the technology that provides a simple approach to sharing desktops over the Internet. Two applications are required to make this work. One of these will run on the remote computer and is called the server since it will serve the remote desktop across to our computer. The other application runs on our computer and is referred to as the client, having the responsibility of displaying the remote desktop locally.

To connect to another GNU/Linux server the X11 protocol will be utilised through x2go as explained in Section 74.2. To connect to a Microsoft Windows server we will use remmina as explained in Section 74.1.

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