37.3 Audio Duplex Mixing

Duplex mixing will allow multiple sounds to be sent to the audio card at a time. Copy /usr/share/doc/libasound2/examples/asound.conf_dmix to /etc/asound and restart alsa:

  $ wajig restart alsa

Then multiple command line mplayers can all play at the same time. Be sure to configure xmms and beep-media-player to use the ALSA output device.

When running quodlibet, quodlibet, quodlibet, quodlibet, quodlibet there is crackling in the audio, which is not there when the dmix is removed! Running mplayer and beep-media-player are just fine.

Further details on setting up dmix is available from http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin.

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