67.8 PDF Extract Pages


For example, to extract all but the first page from a pdf document:

pdftk input.pdf cat 2-end output output.pdf

Input pdf documents can be named, as in the next example, as A, B, etc., and then referred to when specifying page ranges later. The example appends page 1 from document B (input2.pdf) to pages 1-8 of document A (input1.pdf). A use case is a contract where the last page (page 9 here) needs to be signed and scanned. That page is then appended to the remaining pages of the contract.

pdftk A=input1.pdf B=input2.pdf cat A1-8 B1 output output.pdf

The A and B can appear multiple times:

pdftk A=input1.pdf B=input2.pdf cat A1-8 B1 A10-12 output output.pdf

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