18.3 Daylight Saving Time

For a dual boot computer the hardware clock is often set to local time rather than universal time. If the hardware clock is local time (the HWCLOCK setting is --localtime' rather than-u’) GNU/Linux will not adjust the time for daylight saving time, assuming that the other operating system in the dual boot setup takes care of the daylight saving switch.

One approach to ``fix’’ this is:

$ sudo stop ntp
$ sudo date -s 06:10:00
$ sudo start ntp

Or perhaps it is as simple as:

$ wajig reconfigure tzdata

The timezone setting is recorded in /etc/default/rcS and the timezone information including times to change to/from daylight saving time is available:

zdump -v /usr/share/zoneinfo/Australia/Canberra | grep 2009

Further details is available from http://www.novell.com/support/viewContent.do?externalId=3655154&sliceId=1.

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