81.1 CSS Install
To install a Solid server we will use a cloud virtual machine on Linode running Ubuntu 23.10 with ssh, http, and https enabled as described in Section 4.2. A Caddy web server can be installed as described in Section 96.3. We can then install the Community Solid Server (CSS) from the github repository with the instructions below for Ubuntu 23.10.
The community solid server is implemented using Node.js and the node
package manager npm is used to install node
packages. However, the default version in Ubuntu 22.04 was
12.22.9. The Community Solid Server requires at least version 14.2. So
instead of using the system npm we will locally
install the latest via the node version manager
nvm. Create a solid
user account to manage and
run the server.
Change the current user to be that solid user.
Install nvm as the solid user. This comes from https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm and the latest release was v0.39.5 (as of Nov 2023).
cd ~
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash
source .bashrc
nvm install --lts
The community solid server can then be installed by the solid user:
As of 20231121 this installed Version 7.0.2 of the Community Solid Server:
├── @solid/community-server@7.0.2
├── corepack@0.20.0
└── npm@10.1.0
To upgrade the Solid server simply re-run the install command.
To start the solid server on the local host listening on port 3000 (the default) with data stored in-memory we simply run the community-solid-server command as the solid user:
Now visit http://localhost:3000
in a local browser to be greeted by
the Solid Server login page.
Type Ctrl-C in the terminal to terminate the server and then Ctrl-D to log out of the solid user.
To access the server through your own domain name, something like https://solid.example.org, see Section 81.2. To configure systemd for auto startup on reboot see Sections 81.3 and 81.4.
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