10.24 Gramofile
This is, currently, by far the simplest tool to record from gramophones, with a usable but unsophisticated interface.
Consider a sample record: Kraftwerk’s Computer World, side 1. Line-in is set to 100 and igain is 30. From gramofile’s recording meters this setting rarely (0.3%) exceeds 50% maximum volume level, which is perhaps too low? Nonetheless the result sounds okay.
The automatic track finder only found 3 (instead of 4) tracks (but only when the minimum gap is set to 5). Listening to the Track 3/4 changeover it is clear why—there is no gap. However, the .tracks file that is written can be edited by hand and then the audio processing can be deployed to split the file into tracks. The filtering includes Conditional Median Filtering to filter out ticks. Mostly works just fine and is the default, so use it. Loading the resulting 4 tracks into xmms works just fine (the original WAV file has a header that says it is 100 minutes long but this can be fixed within gramofile by choosing to process the audio signal and using the Copy Only filter).
To record the resulting files to an audio CD see Chapter ??.
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