81.3 CSS System Management
We will set up a public solid server to save
data in /opt/solid/server
and to place a log file into
both which we first need to create. Be sure you are
logged into the solid user account.
Start the Solid server (changing example.org to your domain) and visit your domain:
community-solid-server --baseUrl https://solid.example.org \
--port 3000 \
--config @css:config/file.json \
--rootFilePath /opt/solid/server/
We can create a shell script /opt/solid/manage_solid_server.sh
handle the server management.
The contents should be as below, changing example.com to your own domain name.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
URL="https://solid.example.com/" # EDIT ME!
export NVM_DIR="${BASE}/.nvm"; [ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
case "${1}" in
if pgrep -f community-solid-server; then
echo "Server is already running.";
else community-solid-server --baseUrl ${URL} --port ${PORT} \
--config @css:config/file.json \
--rootFilePath ${DATA} >> ${LOG} 2>&1 & disown;
pgrep -f community-solid-server; fi;;
if pgrep -f community-solid-server; then
echo "Server is running.";
else echo "Server is not running"; fi;;
cat ${LOG};;
if pgrep -f community-solid-server; then
pgrep -f community-solid-server | xargs kill
else echo "Server is not running"; fi;;
echo "Supported commands: start, stop, status, log.";;
Make the script executable:
See Section 81.4 to utilise the script and to configure systemd to start the server on boot.
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