4.40 New Packages
Out Of Date
New packages can be installed one at a time or as part of a collection
using the task selection tool tasksel. A nice graphical alternative in
synaptic. Below is a list of packages I commonly install
(in addition to those in Section 6.18). Place
the following list into a file called installs
alien apt-listchanges aspell aspell-doc aspell-en auctex autoconf
automake autotools-dev
catdoc cdrdao cdtool cvs
deborphan devhelp-books dia
elvis-tiny emacs21-el enscript
fakeroot fortune-mod fping
g77 gawk gcvs gkdebconf glabels glade-gnome glimer gnome-audio
gnome-commander gnome-spell gnumeric-doc gnumeric-plugins-extra
gnuplot gpaint graphviz grip groff gsfonts-x11 gthumb gtimer
hdparm hwdata
idle ifupdown imagemagick indent
lshw lynx lyx
modconf mozilla mpage mpg321 muttprint myspell-en-gb
netpbm nfs-kernel-server ntp
openoffice.org openoffice.org-hyphenation-en-gb
openoffice.org-thesaurus ooqstart-gnome
plotutils prosper psfontmgr psgml pstoedit psutils-apt python-dev
python-doc python-elisp python-glade2 python-gnome2 python-mysqldb
python-numeric python-optik python-soappy python-xml
r-base r-base-dev r-base-html r-base-latex r-doc-html r-doc-info
r-doc-pdf r-gnome r-cran-gtkdevice r-recommended rdist rsync
samba sgml-data sox sp splay ssh-askpass ssh-askpass-gnome synaptic
tetex-doc tetex-src transfig
xclip xdaliclock xfig xfishtank xfonts-cyrillic xfsprogs xfstt xgalaga
xine-ui xletters xloadimage xmountains xplanet xplanet-images
xscreensaver-gl xscreensaver-gnome xsltproc
Install them with:
You may also want to install the gtk-engines-* and gtk2-engines-* packages.
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