7.5 SNAP Removal
A suggested sequence to completely remove the use of snaps from your system is shared as a script below. Whilst I quite like snaps and have not done this. The script is based on a python script from https://github.com/shawshaenk/desnapper/blob/main/desnapper.py.
APPS=`snap list | awk 'NR > 1 {print $1}'`
read -p $'Snaps currently installed:\n\n'"${APPS}"$'\n\nRemove all of them (yes|No): ' ANSWER
# Convert the answer to lowercase.
# Remove the apps if user confirmed
if [[ "$ANSWER" == "y" || "$ANSWER" == "yes" ]]; then
# Iterate over the APPS. The suggestion is to do this twice.
for app in $APPS; do
if [[ ! "$app" == "snapd" ]]; then
echo killall $app
echo sudo snap remove --purge $app
echo 'sudo snap remove --purge snapd'
echo 'sudo rm -rf /var/cache/snapd/'
echo 'sudo apt autoremove --purge snapd gnome-software-plugin-snap -y'
echo 'sudo rm -rf ~/snap'
echo 'sudo apt-mark hold snapd'
echo 'sudo apt install gnome-software -y'
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