10.7 Audio Internet Radio


The default Ubuntu music player, RhythmBox, supports internet radio station streaming. It has only a small collection of stations listed by default. Further stations can be added by entering the station’s URL one-by-one. Searching for internet radio stations is not supported by the application itself.

RadioTry-NG uses a panel icon to manage playing of radio stations and includes a radio station bookmark editor. For bulk additions the entries can be added into the json file ~/.config/radiotray-ng/bookmarks.json. The yq package (Section 19.36) can be used to extract iradio entries and the relevant fields from the RhythmBox /~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml file as illustrated in Section 19.35.

Stations can be sampled at http://www.radio-browser.info/ and their corresponding URLs and other meta-data is available when you click on the station name. Another source of stations is the Internet Radio.

A list of streams is also available from the Australian government’s publicly funded and highly respected Australian Broadcasting Corporation whith other information available from https://radio.abc.net.au/help/streams.

Below are some stations that may be of interest. Copy the links and paste into your internet radio player:


Australian ABC Stations


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