71.13 Printer Install USB

Out of Date

Look for your printer in /usr/share/foomatic/db/source/printer/.

For Athene and a HP PSC 2210:

  # cd /usr/share/cups/model
  # foomatic-datafile -t cups -d hpijs -p HP-PSC_2210 > HP-PSC_2210-hpijs.ppd
  # wajig restart cupsys

Then the printer is listed in the web interface to CUPS. Simply choose it.

For Atom and a HP DeskJet 6540:

  # cd /usr/share/cups/model
  # foomatic-datafile -t cups -d hpijs -p HP-Desket_6540 > HP-DeskJet_6540-hpijs.ppd
  # wajig restart cupsys

The printer is available as mlc:usb:DeskJet_6500 once the appropriate hpijs packages are installed.

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